Erik Yaman Konuralp : Robert Priddy & Kai Nicolai Priddy

Spiritual Healer Erik Yaman Konuralp Endorsed By Sai Baba Critic Robert Priddy

Robert Priddy (a caustic critic of Sathya Sai Baba) ceaselessly attempts to portray himself as a “scholar”, skeptic, scientist, and voice of reason on his Anti-Sai wordpress blog and Anti-Sai websites. As a matter of fact, Robert Priddy can often be seen siding and associating himself with Indian rationalists, skeptics and atheists and continually derides and mocks psychics, healers, mediums and channelers as “absurd charlatans” belonging to the lunatic fringe seen in cults, ashrams and religious movements.

Erik Yaman Konuralp : Robert Priddy & Kai Nicolai Priddy
It should come as no surprise that Robert Priddy is openly an admirer and promoter of Yaman Konuralp (Pic), an alleged psychic healer, Reiki Master in the Usui, Medicine Buddha Reiki practitioner (which involves remote / distance healing),
SKHM-Seichim Reiki practitioner, New Age sound therapist, aura cleanser, chakra aligner, hypnotherapist, meditation practitioner, yoga practitioner, Chi Kung practitioner and a teacher of “internal energy” cultivation exercises (Refs: 0102).

On Yaman Konuralp’s website, it says:

“PRIDDY Robert Crichton, a former musician now living in Oslo, is an admirer of Yaman Konuralp’s feel, originality and amazing percussive technique.”

Kai Nicolai Priddy (Robert Priddy’s son), helped Yaman Konuralp with his CD entitled Inner Percussion – A Natural Sound System:

Inner Percussion + keyb/guitar Kai N. Priddy
Into it – Inner Percussion + Kai N. Priddy synth
Keep On – Inner Percussion + keyb/guitar Kai N. Priddy

Kai Priddy was the guitar player for “Vampire State Building”, an industrial band from Norway. The band was known for their wildly eccentric live performances that included theatrics involving transvestites, dildos, knives, rubber fetish outfits and strange and comical costumes (Reference).

Although Robert Priddy attempts to con the general public into thinking he is entirely given to scientific reasoning, he is actually a true believer and promoter of various self-professed psychics, trance mediums, reiki healers and people holding “superstitious” beliefs (including his own son, Kai Nicolai Priddy, who is heavily into astrology and is the webmaster for

Robert Priddy is not only an admirer and promoter of Yaman Konuralp, he is also a staunch promoter and endorser of:

Amusingly, Robert Priddy once wrote an article professing belief in elementals, elves, fairies, leprechauns, gnomes, trolls, water spirits, animal and plant spirits or ‘devas’ , angels, invisible helpers, shaman ‘spirits’, ‘allies’, UFOs, extra-terrestrials, possessive demons, Satan, Pan-figures and other demi-gods (Ref).

Robert Priddy was also a promoter of LSD and eulogized his own LSD-induced hallucinations for well over 30+ years! See:

So when Robert Priddy attempts to present himself as a “rational”, “scholarly” and “scientific” voice of reason against Sathya Sai Baba, one can’t help but to laugh out loud at his blatant hypocrisy, equivocation and deception.

Why Is Barry Pittard Citing A Channeler & Medium Against Sathya Sai Baba?

Why Is Barry Pittard Citing A Channeler & Medium Against Sathya Sai Baba?

Barry Pittard (an ex-devotee who worshipped Sathya Sai Baba as God Incarnate for almost 30 years) has been widely promoting, citing and endorsing the Anti-Sai Activist Conny Larsson on Anti-Sai websites and on his Anti-Sai WordPress blog.

The widely dispersed core allegations against Sathya Sai Baba can be directly traced to two highly questionable characters in the Anti-Sai Movement, i.e., Conny Larsson and Tal Brooke. Although a separate article has been devoted to Tal Brooke, his religious fundamentalism, Christian extremism, experimentation with LSD and his defection from the Sai Movement due to an “out of body demonic encounter” (more than likely a drug-induced bad trip), this article will focus more on Bary Pittard and his psychic friend and co-conspirator Conny Larsson.

Within the last few years, Conny Larsson has developed from a vocal ex-devotee to an “internationally renowned” psychic trance medium for the spirit of Maharshi Vyasa (amusingly, a claim that Christian Tal Brooke would argue to be demonic and Satanic in nature). During Conny Larsson’s metamorphosis into a psychic channeler and spirit medium, Barry Pittard purposely suppressed and avoided all discussion of Conny Larsson’s psychic claims on his Anti-Sai blog and Anti-Sai articles (obviously fearing the repercussions that one of the founding members to the Anti-Sai Movement would be perceived to be a loon, charlatan and possible schizophrenic who hears “spirit voices” in his head).

Barry Pittard is the same man who trashed and bashed all of India as being universally “corrupt” and that hundreds of millions of Hindus (including other religions that believe in miracles) are “backward intellectually” “ignorant peasants” who believe in scriptures that are “sheer delusion” and “impossible concocted stories of the ‘Superman’ kind”.

Adding to the overwhelming hypocrisy of it all is the fact that Barry Pittard believes to this day (even after his defection from the Sai Movement) that Sathya Sai Baba possesses genuine paranormal powers (Ref)! Barry Pittard is also a strong advocate and contributor to the Nexus Magazine, a publication with strongly alleged Anti-Semitic ties. The Nexus Magazine is mostly devoted to suppressed archaeological discoveries, free-energy devices, CIA drug conspiracies, paranoia, mind-control technology conspiracies, prophecies, predictions, anomalous creatures, Government conspiracies, alternative health therapies, UFO’s, alien abductions, crop circles, ghosts, HIV/AIDS cures, secret societies, the unexplained and suppressed science.

Even more amusing is Barry Pittard’s ceaseless trashing and bashing of gurus, cults, psychics and New Age believers as being con-men, liars, frauds, “true believers”, “superstitious” and “brainwashed” (see Pittard’s WordPress article entitled “Isaac Tigrett. Wealthy Promoter of Superstition”). Don’t expect Barry Pittard to say one word about Psychic Conny Larsson, the “wealthy” multi-millionaire “promoter of superstition”.

Barry Pittard can often be seen siding with Indian rationalists, skeptics and atheists against Sathya Sai Baba. However, when it comes to Psychic Conny Larsson, Barry Pittard puts aside his pseudo-rationalistic, pseudo-skeptic and pseudo-scientific beliefs and openly praises, endorses and cites Psychic Conny Larsson as a man of integrity and honesty! This type of hilarious public posturing is dishonest and blatantly hypocritical. Needless to say, Barry Pittard is unable to make a sober or consistent argument against Sathya Sai Baba without shooting himself in the very same foot he so often sticks into his mouth.

Barry Pittard ceaselessly attempts to portray himself as an intelligent, scientific and rational individual even though his current friendship, association and Anti-Sai Activism with Psychic Trace Medium Conny Larsson speaks for him to the contrary.

These are the typical types of questionable characters who are attempting to smear, defame and ridicule Sathya Sai Baba. The truth is now out and there is no stopping it.

Alan Kazlev Scraps “Disrespectable Me”

Exposing Martin Alan Kazlev, webmaster for, the biased Anti-Sathya-Sai-Baba sympathizer.

Alan Kazlev scrapped his former article about himself entitled, “disrespectable me” because he felt it was “puerile”. I think Kazlev’s former comments are illuminating, so I will duplicate it here:

Disrespectable MeHey I knew you’d come here first ;-)

Who wants 2 read a lot of respectable crap anyway?

Okay – first off – has it ever occured to you how many people on the Net are so frigging talented? Like, if you read some of the curriculum vitae, it’s like they have a PhD in one subject and a Masters in another, know half a dozen different programming languages intimately, speak three languages fluently, have a license to drive four types of heavy vehicles, a pilot’s license for two classes of aircraft, are really good at sport, work as a high level freelance consultant in ten different things each one much harder than you or I could do, have a well-adjusted family with whom they get on superbly, and are in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful lover. Not only that but it’s obvious from their photo they’re extremely handsome (if a male) or beautiful (if a female), and you can see they have a wonderful confident charsimatic personality to boot…

Yeah it just makes you wanna puke doesn’t it?

Anyway I thought I’d write my own curriculum vitae. I would like to point out here that everything you read on this page is true. I’m not exagerating or making things up. Just so you know ;-)

Okay here we go…

Paid Regular Employment history: none
It is true that I got $40 for half a day’s casual labour once. Another time I received $250 for an article on IRC romance that was published in a national newspaper some years ago. Once I did help a friend with some landscape gardening, but he never got paid so neither did I…
Recently, I have been hired on a casual basis as scientific consultant for Edugraphics. Very nice job, but it’s only casual mind you…

Volunteer Work Employment History
this is no bullshit: I was given the sack from volunteer work! (I won’t go into details, the less said about this sorry affair the better…)

Tertiary Qualifications:
B.A. major in philosophy
well I suppose I had to have something to show for 6 years of university life (almost everyone else got their degree in 3 years)

Driver’s License
I did learn to drive once, many many many years ago, but I’ve absolutelty forgotten since. I’m pretty good on a bicycle though….

Programming Languages: none
I made a futile attempt to learn C many many years back. More recently I learned the basics of HTML, but only ‘cos it’s so easy even a child can do it. I still can’t master (nor am I atm motiovated to learn) javascript, flash, or anything else fancy like that.

Languages spoken: English
For a while I started teaching myself Russian and got to the stage where I knew one or two words and could recognise most of the alphabet. I didn’t keep it up and have forgotten most of it now. I keep meaning to stick up some foreign words on the inside of the dunny door so I can memeorise them, but I never do.

Overseas Travel:
I did spend 3 months travelling around India when I was much younger but because of my stutter plus my Australian accent no one there could understand me. Once I as in Bangalore (beautiful city btw) and I wanted to go to the Post Office so I hailed a taxi and I said (well, stuttered, whatever) “Post Office” and he said “what?” and I said “I want to go to the Post Office” and he said “where do you want to go?” and I said “to the porhhhst ahhhficceee!!!!” and this went on for quite a while, and finally he drove me miles and miles to some suburb I’d never been to (the name of which I suppose sounded something like “Porhhhstahhfiss”) on the other side of Bangalore and dropped me off at the post office there (rather than at the local post office)

Actually my favourite sport is lying in bed in the morning. ;-)

Number of Projects Started
Too many to count

Number of those Projects actually completed
Too few to count

Love Life
Non-existent (too geeky? too intellectual? insufficient social skills? too eccentric?)

There now! No need to feel bad about your life! There’s always someone as badly off as (if not worse than) you are! ;-)

Cheers :-)

*“Who wants 2 read a lot of respectable crap anyway?”
*“Yeah it just makes you wanna puke doesn’t it?”
*“this is no bullshit: I was given the sack from volunteer work”
*“Paid Regular Employment history: none”
*“I keep meaning to stick up some foreign words on the inside of the dunny door so I can memeorise them, but I never do.”
*“to the porhhhst ahhhficceee!!!!”
*“Number of Projects Started: Too many to count”
*“Number of those Projects actually completed: Too few to count”

“Puerile”? Umm…absolutely :-)


An Introduction To M. Alan Kazlev

Exposing Martin Alan Kazlev, webmaster for, the biased Anti-Sathya-Sai-Baba sympathizer.

M Alan Kazlev

Alan Kazlev is the webmaster to, a site dedicated to (as Alan put it):

A new scientific and esoteric evolutionary paradigm concerning the nature of existence and its infinite metamorphoses, and the transformation of the Earth and the planetary consciousness to a post-singularity state of Supramental (Infinite Truth-Consciousness) divinisation.

Alan Kazlev describes himself as:

I’m an autodidactic metaphysician, esotericist and integral philosopher who has so far made a few pathetic attempts at Integral yoga, an armchair palaeontologist, futurist, science fiction writer and fan, worldbuilder, geek, and all round eccentric.

“All round eccentric” is right. Martin Alan Kazlev (formerly known as “Martin Katz” & “Martin Levin”) believed, as a child, that he was from another planet. Kazlev currently claims that he was “exiled” (from which planet?) to Earth to help in the “spiritual transformation of the Earth”.

Kazlev believes he reincarnated “sometimes two to three lifetimes in a century” and claimed that he recalls past lives as a “Polish Kabbalist”, an “English gentleman-scholar, philosopher theologian and naturalist” and a “German Soldier who was killed early in World War II”.

Kazlev has also been described as a “student” (“devotee” if you ask me) of Sri Aurobindo and speaks favorably and highly of (and compares himself with) the controversial Guru-figure Bubba Da Free John (aka Adi Da). On Kazlev’s Integral Transformation Blog, he claimed that he follows the “Integral Yoga” system of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and praised Aurobindo in no uncertain terms (Refs: 0102).

Kazlev also believes that he has “human” and “non-human” sides that he distinguishes by using parethesis. I think it would be easier just to quote Alan Kazlev himself:

“I” (inverted commas, because it wasn’t “I” the current personality; the personality is mortal, the Divine Soul puts on a new personality with each life) am an exile, an outsider and an alien to this world and this universe, “I” have been exiled here to help, in whatever small and humble way, in the spiritual transformation of the Earth. But unlike the gnostic mythos, there is no going back to “my” original home – “I” can only go forward. In almost every incarnation “I” have lived on the fringes of society, never quite fitting in, always contributing in some way or another. Where many souls take rest for centuries between lifetimes, recovering from the trauma and hardship of physical life, I have rished back in, keen to resume to work, sometimes two or three lifetimes in a century.The human side of “me” never lived in “Atlantis” (regardless of whether Atlantis was on this Earth or some parallel reality) nor in Ancient Egypt (despite my affiliation with the Kheper motif). The earliest civilisation of which “I” have clear association was Ancient Rome, reflecting perhaps my martial ideal.

The non-human side of “me” has always been with the Earth, tracing and a part of Her transformations; I stilllove paleontology; it is the memory of the phylogeny of life on Earth. It is this life as a whole that will inherit the Divine, not just one arrogant species, H. sapiens, no, it is this life, the biosphere as a whole that will be transmuted to partake in the Supramental Transformation, the Divine Life on Earth.

I (this life, so no inverted commas) used to think in these previous lives “I” was alone (alone but not lonely), but I (due to limited experience, limited knowledge, and limited awakening) was mistaken, because “I” wasn’t. There are many working for the Divine Victory, and two integral avatars who have blazed the trail. “I” was never alone. And “you” – in whatever path “you” take, were and are never alone either.

“I” had a life as a Polish Kabbalist in the late 18th/early 19th century; because of a wrong attitude (this person wasn’t very spiritual) he died prematurely (perhaps late 30s???). Significantly, lots of Kabbalists seem to die at around 40 (Moses Luzzatto, Isaac Luria), so did Suhrawardi; in astrology this is the “Uranus transit”

In the next life (19th century) “I” was an English gentleman-scholar, philosopher theologian and naturalist,perhaps dorset way (where there are a lot of fossils in the cliffs, e.g. Lyme Regis); he seems to have lived off a comfortable fortune. He may have even travelled to India, a country “I” have a strong link to, and was greatly impressed by the experience. But he was not sufficiently considerate or sensitive in my dealings with another; he “played by the book”, doing what he thought was right, but he should of listened to his Heart instead. I (personality in this life) know this because of my karma in this life.

In the next incarnation (early to mid 20th century), “I” was a German Soldier who was killed early in World War II. He was a big guy, but he abused his physical strength, and his ideology leaved a lot to be desired. But he was intelligent and thoughtful too. His last thought was “Next time I want to understand the meaning of things, how this came about”.

It is said that one’s thought at the moment of death determines one’s next life time. Because of that, I (personality in this life) have dedicated this life to understanding. And also to growing spiritually, and working through “my” karma. “I” have gathered so much karma in so many lives, now is the time for it to be transmuted (Reference).

So how did I become involved with a person like Martin Alan Kazlev?

I first became aware of Alan and his website on June 27th 2005 when I noticed that Reinier Van Der Sandt (RVDS) created an attack page against Alan (calling him my “moronic friend”) simply because Alan provided a link to my website. I emailed Alan about RVDS’s attack page and about a comment that Alan made against me where he said:

note – while this site contains information of interest, it also includes material that is incorrect and – regarding Barry Pittard, a man who I have met and regarding whom I can vouch for his integrity – a slanderous lie

Click Here to view my article regarding Barry Pittard and my concerns regarding his anti-semitic and holocaust revisionist ties (a position I still hold to this day). As it turns out, Lisa DeWitt submitted my site-link to Alan. I did not submit my site-link to Alan, nor did I ask Lisa to.

In my email correspondence with Alan, it was apparent that he did not understand my position regarding Barry and Barry’s articles appearing on the Adelaide Institute (A.I.) website. First of all, I never accused Barry of being an “anti-semite” or a “neo-nazi”. Nor did I ever claim that Barry wrote anti-semitic material. However, I did say that Barry was an “anti-semitic sympathizer” and that he had “anti-semitic buddies”. The reasoning for this is fully explained On This Page. In an e-mail, Alan said:

Were you to show me something Barry has written, in which he himself makes claims regarding revisionism, holocaust denial, anti-semitism etc (as opposed to headings tacked on the top of his appropriated material!), then i will revise my opinion (and send you an apology)

I reiterated my position, to Alan, saying that I never claimed that Barry wrote anti-semitic material. In another e-mail, Alan responded by saying:

that doesnt make him a neonazi…Really, my only criticism of your site is the neo-nazi accusation against Barry

Needless to say, I never accused Barry of being a “neo-nazi” (talk about speaking to a brick wall). So I knew immediately that Alan did not clearly understand my position regarding Barry and Barry’s articles that appeared on the A.I. website. Unfortunately, Alan’s lack of basic research into my articles and claims soon became apparent, and I found myself having to explain more and more to him (like a child). This was a futile task because Kazlev then confessed to me (more than once) that he did not have the “time”, “patience” or “inclination” to research my claims!

Alan began defending Barry Pittard and soon thereafter began defending Robert Priddy and Sanjay Dadlani.

Just recently, I discovered that Alan created several webpages against me and I decided to respond, hence this blog. Let it be known that I did not start this fight. I created this blog after Kazlev created the following pages against me, began giving undue weight in favor of Anti-Sai Activists and had the audacity to play psychiatrist and implied that I have mental disorders. This from someone who has no credentials in the medical or mental fields whatsoever and who blathers about “love” and “letting go of hatred”. Alan also blatantly lied about me and called Sathya Sai Baba my “guru”, although I have repeatedly told him that I am not a devotee.

Keywords: m.alan proteus kheper orion’s arm palaeos wiki MAK integral transformation integraltransformation paleontologist esotericist martin katz levin cyberrdewd cosmic_alan akazlev MAlanKazlev MAlan AlanKazlev kzlev kalev alon kazev alen. Address: 14/287 Barkly St, St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria 3182, Australia


Psychics! Psychics! Psychics!

I found another very amusing article written by Tony O’Clery / “aoclery” (an ex-devotee of Sathya Sai Baba about how all the members in his family are “psychic” in various ways. O’Clery said:

FamilyPsychism.The family is quite psychic in different ways. My wife Jean is very sensitive and can feel and see “things”. Her mother can see and converse with disincarnates at will, almost. Brigid has lucid dreams but is extremely sensitive to feeling and when someone is sick she knows about it, distance doesn’t matter. Brigid also can see spirits and was the first to notice the previous dweller in our house, whose name she got. Tony is also psychic as well but he doesn’t explore it, however like many in the family he can see auras and other phenomena. Stella was a late bloomer in this field but is quite sensitive

Nicole has been psychic for as long as I can remember. Even as a child she could see Auras and talk to animals, as could Brigid and Tony. She could also see spirits and Angels would visit her. As she has become older this gift seems to have stabilised into clairvoyance and clairaudience as well. She can read the Tarot very well and has healing hands and has always been able to do Reiki. It seems that she has giant spirits that protect her. At one time she was being oppressed by spirits bothering her, pulling her hair, pushing her and otherwise scaring and tormenting her. She went to a Pundit but he had no lasting effect. Eventually the spirits stopped bothering her and she became quite strong in the meantime. The giant spirits came some time later and Nicole says they are very tall and she tells me they are blue and wear what they call “priyapanda” headbands.(Lovebands.)Nicole doesn’t speak Sanskrit so this word had to be translated.

A couple of examples of her work are her contact with Eilish and her communication with her fiancee’s father.

It seems that Nicole was awakened in the early hours by an apparition in her room accompanied by loud knocking. It was her fiancee’s father he had just passed away in hospital. He wanted to give messages to his family about the dangers of materialism. He had particular messages for his son William. One day he appeared to Nicole while William was there and he wanted to give William a fish. So as Nicole was the only one who could see the old man she told William to kneel in the middle of the room with his hands out. His father then put the fish in William’s hands and he could feel the cold wetness and the weight of it, even though only Nicole could see it. Nicole said that the smell of fish permeated the apartment all day. Eventually because the father wanted to give messages to all the family she organised a meeting of the family. She acted as an intermediatory for him and passed the messages and communications back and forth. After the session was finished Nicole told him that he had to go on to “the Light”. At that moment two Angels appeared and he went with them from this border plane to a place of rest.

Another time something similar happened was when a girlfriend’s cousin died in Ireland. Within hours of the death and almost immediately Nicole was informed, she was talking to the person that had crossed over. The deceased said that she was surprised by the after-death experience and it wasn’t anything like she had expected, as a Catholic. This communication helped her friend to come to terms with her cousin’s death. Nicole described the deceased and even knew that another relative had passed over pretty recently. The deceased had been met by members of her family and was quite happy to be deceased. She had died of cancer at about twenty eight years of age. Nicole relayed some messages and thoughts as well. Nicole had done the same thing for the same friend with regard to her friend’s mother, who had died, some two years previously. Nicole describes the appearance of the deceased without ever having known or seen her.(This seems to be a Seva work that Nicole is performing. For knowing what has happened to a loved one after they cross over seems to be very comforting, and the real nature of what death is understood better.)There are other examples but there is no point in recounting them all.

Her idea of God is Universal Energy or The Shakti, although she doesn’t use that term. Another daughter Stella is able to see spirits as well. She has seen old men sitting watching television, and then going out to look at the ocean view. She has sensed them around amd seem some previous dwellers of various houses. (Reference)

That’s right, O’Clery claims that his family can “sense things”, can see dead people, can talk to dead people, can see auras, can talk to animals, are clairvoyant, are clairaudient, have “giant spirits” protecting them, read tarot cards, can heal people with their hands and can see old, dead men watching television!

Tony even described himself as “psychic”. Tony also believes he can converse with dead people and hear their voices in his head and that he enters demon trances.

This is the Anti-Sai weirdo who blathers about others suffering from “True Believer Syndrome“.


Anthony Tony O’Clery’s Demon Trances

Believe it or not, Tony O’Clery (an ex-devotee of Sathya Sai Baba) believes that he can give people the names to demons that are oppressing them!

Here are some gems from O’Clery:

Namaste, I still have the names of the two ancient demons that are oppressing Lisa on behalf of sb. Their names begin with an e…….ONS…Tony (Reference)

Lucky I wrote them down when I was told about them for I never remember readings as they are not in my personal memory……Tony (Reference)

Namaste, They keep your mind in a fog of delusion, they make you think you are seeing, hearing, experiencing sb. They take his form in dreams and visit you. They are planning a place for you on the astral as a captive spirit and slave of sb……..ONS…Tony (Reference)

Namaste, None of this went through a legitimate court. By the way those two demonic astral denizens that I said were oppressing you on behalf of sb. I still have their names if you want them……Tony (Reference)

Namaste, If I have told you once I’ve told you are 100 times, take your meds!! you are getting delusional and bipolar again……Tony. Watch out for those two spirits of sb’s that are oppressing you, do you want their names yet? I still have them? (Reference)

Of course, this leaves Tony O’Clery looking very foolish and psychologically unstable. O’Clery claimed that he was able to divine the names to demons supposedly oppressing another person through “readings” not stored in his “personal memory” (because he was in some sort of trance)! lol Of course, this is the same guy who claims he can speak to dead people (as in the case of “Eilish”). The Anti-Sai Movement needs all the help it can get, even from a Ghost-Buster who divines demon-names and proclaims he can converse with dead people!

O’Clery is the kind of Anti-Sai whacko who is trying to take a rational and moral stance against Sathya Sai Baba. Laughable and lamentable!


Who Are You Going To Call? The O’Clery Ghost Busters!

Not only does Tony O’Clery (an ex-devotee of Sathya Sai Baba) believe that he can speak to dead people, he sadly and obviously brainwashed his own daughter (Nicole) into thinking that she can do the same thing.

On his personal website, O’Clery claimed that he and Nicole spoke to several disembodied entities (Reference).

Some amusing and very revealing quotes:
“NICOLE AND I TALK TO EILISH 10th February 1996”:

Nicole had smelt “death”,and soon after I told her about Eilish’s death she was in contact with her. It seems if a person who has passed over is thinking about a particular person, or the reverse situation, and a medium is involved, that sets up the link or channel. It is a three way connection, to start with, with the lower minds involved, especially if the deceased is still in the border plane.This chapter covers our questions and answer period with the newly dead Eilish.Who had only just passed away on the ninth of February 1996.The language may be stilted but this is how it was .

Nicole acted as the conscious medium and relayed all the messages. Without meditation I was unable to hear or see Eilish, but I could see the images in my mind’s eye. Eilish suffered from bone-cancer and died of pneumonia, in hospital. (Her family had kept from her the fact that she was dying but she indicated to Nicole and I that she was aware of the fact.)

Eilish not so confused in the border plane now, happy to communicate and starting to understand her present condition. She says that Angels/Devas appear as soon as she thinks of them.

During the session I held Esha’s hand twice and felt the vibration and heat; Esha was happy about it.

Nicole saw her take form twice whilst talking to her. She said that she talked sweetly and was small and pale but happy. She also said that Eilish was wearing a white or pearl necklace. I saw Esha’s face in my mind, or in Nicole’s. Esha said again that the after-death experience was nothing like she had been taught, (Catholic teaching.) (Eilish at this time of course was still in the Border Planes, or Bardos.)

She stayed with Nicole for an hour just visiting at her apartment and said that she was quite a little missy .She said that some suffering my wife had as a child was…..(Private message). Eilish was very impressed with this type of “radio” she was using to communicate with Nicole, and she was happy she could be where she wanted immediately she thought of it. She also said that a lot of Anthony’s friends are up here; (my friends).

The next day I did a meditation , and I explained the bhajan to her. She asked about the worshiping and what I was doing with the flame. I explained the Arti, Maya. (It seems that my psychic ability is far stronger on the astral and mental than it is on the lower bardos,where I am somewhat weaker, due to the late period of life that I took it up)

During one meditation I took Esha by the hand and we went up through the dimensions. As happened to me at an ashram in India. The next time I tried I was stopped by two Devas whe didn’t want us doing it, for whatever reason. (She wanted her grandaughter to have one of her names. I was to put the request in an envelope and send it to the family, to be opened after the little girl was born. This was done and the little girl was so named.)

On the 17th of February, 1997 I was meditating in the bath but could not hear Esha. I took my consciousness up to the vital plane, asking for my Higher Self’s, Blessing, passing mishapen ghoulies on the way. I found her shell floating with mouth open. Either abandoned or asleep, I decided abandoned, she had moved on. This was the second death.(I asked my Higher Self, for help during these sessions, and the process I used was to completely relax my body and go into a state of meditation, then visualise as much as possible until the visions came by themselves.)

I went up to see my uncle, Father Ted, on the Astral. He said Eilish had been there to his church but was not there now. Uncle John was dancing somewhere. Ted apologised for his rigidness whilst alive. I said not to worry, that was his belief system..

I went up to higher planes, there were formless beings, still couldn’t find Eilish. Good blissful vibrations at this level.

I heard Eilish call my name, she said lots of my friends are up here and lots of God’s Devotees have been helping and instructing her. I explained a little about God’s Dream, Avatars and about all being One, Also that all was a dream no matter what level or plane we’re on.

She was very happy and blissful and I talked about her husband Gregg. She said that she knew about him, she told me to buy him a book and send it to him. She was obviously very spiritual and could move through the different levels herself.

Around about this time I was getting visits in meditation from a soldier in uniform. He would appear as I was coming down through the dream plane. I mentioned it to my wife a few times, that a soldier was visiting me. I realised after a few visits that it was Basil Weston and that he was coming to me, looking for Eilish. Perhaps he was on a different plane from her. However I did have a vison of them together. He was her partner and had been killed in Burma during WWII, and received the V.C. for sacrificing his life for his platoon. On 22/4/96 I met Eilish again, she appeared young, with long hair and a coat. She was quiet at first, and I thought she was mad at me, but no, she embraced me-a thank you, I think.

I have found that I can communicate with Eilish if I meditate, go up the dimensions and visualise her. Last time I heard her “voice,” saying that the image wasn’t her, she was something else ,the image it seems is my mind’s way of communicating with her. The image is just the message that I am trying to communicate.

Weird. Very Weird!

Not only does Tony O’Clery claim that he speaks to disembodied spirits (like “Eilish”, “Father Ted” and “Basil”), he feeds his delirium to his own daughter and encourages it!

Tony O’Clery is an Anti-Sai Clown who tries to bamboozle others with his psycho-babble juggling act. The only people who believe O’Clery are the same gullible, naive, and biddable ones who believe O’Clery can divine the names to demons and communicate with dead people in self-induced trances. lol


Tony O’Clery’s Bogus Pet Psychic Reading

On the QuickTopic forum, Tony O’Clery (an ex-devotee of Sathya Sai Baba) tried to flex his psychic muscle and ended up flexing his psycho muscles instead. Out of the blue, Tony Bologna O’Clery started the following discussion about an alleged “dog” I owned. Needless to say, this is news to me:

Aoclery Said:

1893 Tony O’Clery. 01-24-2007 02:46 PM ET (US)
Jose Geraldo Moreno —mentiroso, (liar in spanish), has not been well for many years, not since he whispered the gayatri into the ear of his dying little shi-tzu God Bless him.

My Response:

1900 Joe108. 01-24-2007 07:39 PM ET (US)
Tony Bologna O’Clery, regarding /m1898, Angelic asked you that question. Not I. Try to get your facts right.Regarding /m1893, Tony Bologna O’Clery said:

Jose Geraldo Moreno —mentiroso, (liar in spanish), has not been well for many years, not since he whispered the gayatri into the ear of his dying little shi-tzu God Bless him.

Where did you get this information from, Tony? I never owned a shi-tzu and was never into chanting the Gayatri. I surmise you obtained this information from the voices in your head or from your demons trances.

Aoclery Said:

1908 Tony O’Clery. 01-25-2007 11:24 AM ET (US)
I could be wrong about the breed of dog..Tony.

My Response:

1915 Joe108. 01-26-2007 03:07 AM ET (US)
Tony, you are a weirdo. Where are you getting this information about a “dog”? Do tell us. Out with it.

Aoclery Said:

1920 Tony O’Clery. 01-26-2007 11:55 AM ET (US)
Ahhh pull the other one joe, you know what I said was the truth.

My Response:

1922 Joe108. 01-26-2007 12:10 PM ET (US)
Tony Bologna O’Clery is obviously suffering from some sort of denial.Tony, next time you enter your demons trances, tell the voices in your head that I am severely allergic to cats and dogs since as long as I can remember. Apparently either you or someone in your psychic family is making stuff up and you blindly believe it, just like you blindly believe made-up stuff about Sathya Sai Baba.

Aoclery Said:

1924 Tony O’Clery. 01-26-2007 01:41 PM ET (US)
However he did have a non shedding dog for a while that didn’t cause him a problem.

My Response:

1925 Joe108. 01-26-2007 02:55 PM ET (US)
Tony, get psychiatric help. You need it.I never owned a dog, cat or any other animal. This is not only amusing, it is pathetic. You can be certain I will update my blog and website with it.

This is the Anti-Sai Clown who has the audacity to call me a “mentiroso” (liar in spanish). Tony O’Clery is an Anti-Sai weirdo who claims he enters demons trances, hears voices in his head and is psychic.

Tony attempted to give me a psychic reading about an alleged dog I never owned! Next, Tony will probably say he was referring to some forgotten stuffed-toy dog I had in my childhood or that he was simply trying to “get a rise” out of me, “stir me up” or “push buttons” for whatever sick reason he has.

This is the guy who is attempting to “expose” Sathya Sai Baba. As I have said many times before: “nutters”.


A Wax Lingam Miracle Or Gullibility?

Keeping in tune with my previous article about Robert Priddy’s gullibility when he was a Sai Devotee, I found the following “wax lingam” story in Priddy’s Pro-Sai book entitled “Source Of The Dream”:

“While compiling an extensive index of Baba’s words, Reidun and I were reading the texts and making notes daily. One evening, tired after a strenuous day, we felt like dropping it, but recalling Baba’s call to duty and self-discipline, we carried on with the work. The candle on our shrine must have burnt so low that we over-looked it when we retired for the night. The next morning, to our great perplexity, we saw that a small, green and perfectly-formed Shiva lingam, about one and a half centimeters in height, had formed from the candlewax. It must have dripped from the candle as the flame fradually sank and gutted out. The lingam was of tapering shape and even had ring-like markings, as seen in some Shiva temples. This was evidently a leela, because wax never ordinarily drips that way.My son Kai was intrigued and tried to work out the physics of it, coming up with the explanation that it could have formed by gradually smaller drips as the flame sank. Two weeks later a candle in his own flat also produced a lingam of the same size and color. However, the wax would have had to drip four times the distance in that case, which makes the physics of it incomprehensible. Perhaps the lingams were not formed by the drips at all? How the two lingams were of the same shade of green is also inexplicable. Incidentally, Kai had previously worked tirelessly on preparing a data program for making the index.” (Source Of The Dream, ‘The Universal World Teacher’, pg. 211-12)

Click On Thumbnails To Enlarge

Indeed, the green wax lingam that formed on Robert Priddy’s candle-holder is unique and I have never seen dripping wax produce that type of shape before. The objective facts of the matter are that the lingam was made out of candle-wax and formed at the base of a candle holder that held a burning candle the night before it formed. Being unable to explain away the wax lingam, Robert Priddy intelligently, logically and rationally speculated (sarcasm implied) that perhaps the wax lingam was some sort of divine manifestation independent of the candle and its drippings.

Since it is Robert Priddy’s current belief that Sathya Sai Baba is a fraud, his Sai-Devotee speculations were indicative of his gulliblity, ‘true-believer’ state-of-mind, naivete and “backward intellectually” beliefs. However, the strange thing about it all is that Robert Priddy currently believes that Sathya Sai Baba does possess genuine paranormal powers, is psychically sensitive and can materialize apports.

Some of the reasons why Robert Priddy believes these things is because Sathya Sai Baba cured him of a debilitating and chronic neck and spinal problem that no one else could cure and whose symptoms no doctor could alleviate. Robert Priddy also claimed that Sathya Sai Baba’s freed his mother from chronic pain and that a small speck of Sathya Sai Baba’s vibuthi instantaneously cured his paralyzed cat when it suffered from what appeared to be a stroke.

Robert Priddy tries to make the case that Sathya Sai Baba is both a fraud and genuine, can materialize objects and fakes materializations and can cure diseases but really can’t. Trying to pass himself off as an intellectual who currently holds rationalistic beliefs, Robert Priddy miserably fails to explain away the enigma of Sathya Sai Baba, appears very confused and non-intelligent and ends up sticking his foot further into his mouth with his never-ending and very amusing equivocations.

Robert Priddy Bashes Hindus And Hinduism Again

Robert Priddy wrote an article entitled “How can so many Indians be fooled so much of the time?”, in which he mentioned various stories in the Ramayana and Srimad Bhagavatam and bashed them as being believed by people who are naive, gullible, “backward intellectually” and “ignorant peasants”. Not only did Robert Priddy bash Hindus, Hinduism and their scriptures, he is currently making many slurs (although Barry Pittard boasted ex-devotees do not slur: Ref) against his former Guru whose feet he kissed and worshipped as God Incarnate for 17-26 years.

Even in his Pro-Sai book (“Source Of The Dream”) Priddy published several pictures of his altar upon which he displayed at least two pictures of Sathya Sai Baba’s lotus feet, a large and small picture of Sathya Sai Baba, an image of Sri Ganesha and a picture of Shirdi Sai Baba all surrounded with flowers, peacock feathers, sea shells, flowery containers and a power quartz crystal! See the following images for proof:

Click On Thumbnails To View Full Sized Images

Robert Priddy found Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings to be so inspirational, he compiled an online index of 18,000 separately detailed entries named “Back To The Source”. As a matter of fact, Robert Priddy had the following to say about Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings:

“It is truly impressive how, wherever Sathya Sai Baba has spoken and whatever his audience, his vision has always had a one-pointed focus…Unlike other major educators or spiritual masters whose lives are known from youth, Sai Baba has never had to modify any tenets of his public teachings or to develop them through time. Such confident consistency is truly striking.…Baba’s way of teaching is unique and uncommonly attractive, in its dealings with everything from everyday problems to the deeply mysterious, from the most serious questions of life to the humorous. No one to my knowledge gives such directly simple, yet deceptively deep and subtle, answers to the most enigmatic of questions, nor does so in more straightforward and powerfully-convincing ways than does Baba…No spiritually-interested person who reads Sai discourses or writings can fail to be impressed by the clarity and simplicity of these teachings, which bear comparison with any known higher spiritual teaching…Some insights surpass those to be found in any scripture or comparable work known, at least, to the present writer…”

In Source of the Dream, Robert Priddy even hailed Baba as the Universal Teacher whose advent was prophesized in the Bible, the Mahabharata and the Ocean Of Light. That’s right, Robert Priddy cited the Mahabharata as a source to support his belief that Sathya Sai Baba’s advent was prophesized thousands of years ago. Consequently, Robert Priddy continually bashes himself as having been a naive, gullible and “backwardly intellectually” “ignorant peasant” when he was a Sai Devotee (although he devoted an entire chapter in his book claiming he was not brainwashed, was still skeptical and did not follow blindly).

Strange enough, Robert Priddy loves to bash and trash Sanjay Dadlani‘s beliefs in the Ramayana and the Srimad Bhagavatam (thereby conceding that fellow Anti-Sai Activsts are naive, gullible, “backward intellectually” and “ignorant peasants”: Ref). It is also amusing that many critics and ex-devotees of Sathya Sai Baba possess the very same type of beliefs that Robert Priddy loves to ridicule in Sai Devotees. See my article: ‘Lunatic Fringe’ In Cults, Ashrams And Religious Movements.

The more Robert Priddy says, the further he sticks his foot into his mouth. While attempting to mock Sathya Sai Baba, Sai Devotees and Sai Baba’s teachings for their oh-so-obvious fraudulence, naievete and outrageous claims, Robert Priddy fails to realize that he is thoroughly compromising the integrity, intelligence and rationality of himself and other ex-devotees who belonged to (for many years) the very same group he now condemns as naive, gullible, “backward intellectually” “ignorant peasants”. Now that’s funny!